Price: $5 (drink/slice)

I kinda took this picture a little late. I had chowed most of the slice and it had been in my hands for about 5 hours. So just take that into consideration when looking at the rugged photo.
I have been to Bacci's, I don't know how many times, and it always fails to disappoint. I have to admit the pizza is kind of bootleg but I don't give a shit, it's rad as hell. For 5 bucks, you can't get a better deal, and yes it used to be a lot cheaper but that was the past. Pizza prices got to go up, it's a bummer thinking about it but it's true. Heres a little info on the subject:
Every time we start to approach the end of another fiscal year, the government has to always meet and decide upon the new pizza-per-square-inch price, and every year it usually goes up. Bacci's always tries to fight the powers that be but it's not that easy, sometimes they gotta squeeze the price up just a lil' bit, to keep the suits happy. The only thing we can do is vote, vote for a new/more pizza friendly government and from what I hear Barack is gonna make a difference (being a major pizza fan and all) You can too by voting NO on Prop. 6-13, which takes away the power to tax our pizza by the sq. inch. Maybe in 2010, Bacci's might even be 2.50 a slice again. Well, even if it doesn't, they can't take away our freedom to dream can they?
Back to Bacci's though, how come the mountain dew always tastes bad at the chicago/western location? Every time, I try to forget the past and grab a cup of dew, and it always tastes like shit. When will this change!? I love coke, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I want some m.dew, or at least the power to choose between the two.
What the fuck Bacci's?
So the soda catastrophe sucks, but the pizza is always spectacular. I always make sure to grab some hot sauce to dowse on my slice and it only makes it better. It's kind of a buffalo wing type sauce and its perfect for that Bacci's flava.
So because of their dew shortage I'm gonna have to give them a 4 out of 5.
(I wanna give them a 5 out of 5, but I NEED CHANGE!)

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